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icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10ap to 2pm icon_widget_image 7300-7398 Colonial Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11209, USA icon_widget_image + (123) 1234-567-8900 + (123) 1234-567-8901 icon_widget_image wilmer@qodeinteractive.com wilmer2@qodeinteractive.com

Objectives & Commitments

We have established Our Targets and Commitments by fully implementing our Quality Management System and Total Quality Policy in MŞB Construction


  • Increasing the productivity and effectiveness in service,
  • Creating the difference with engineering solutions,
  • Reaching the most affordable prices by making no concessions from quality and timeliness,
  • Preventing errors in production stages,
  • Benefit from technological developments in production stages,
  • Increasing the quality of the personnel with training activities, improving and renewing ourselves in occupational health and safety,And creating the mentality.
  • Implementing Total Quality Management by providing all the requirements and conditions that are institutionalized.


  • Preventing the loss of workforce and working days in the construction activities which are structure of our company,
  • Ensuring the use of personal protective equipment at each building site,
  • Providing planned and timely maintenance to eliminate the risk of occupational and work safety related to the use of equipment,
  • Avoiding the potential risks in the building sites,
  • Organizing trainings in order to make the employees trained about occupational health and safety,
  • Ensuring that our suppliers work in accordance with the requirements of the occupational health and safety management system.


  • Providing tarin for all employees about enviroment
  • Fire training and conducting fire drill at the main office and building sites,
  • Recycling and disposing of wastes without harming the environment,
  • In order to sort all recyclable wastes separately, it is necessary to provide waste boxes and send them to the related places for recycling,
  • Purchase of raw materials and supplies which do not harm the environment,
  • Reducing the paper consumption in the office,
  • Making noise measurement,
  • Performing particle measurement of the environment.